Linda left a comment that these were no longer available on the link on my blog.
Thanks Linda for letting me know. I have a feeling that there maybe a few people that would like them. If you find more links like this, please email me if you would like the download. If I can find the original files I will repost. My external hard drive is acting funny and I'm hoping that the new one comes before this one dies. It has all of my Auntie M Design files, so keeping my fingers crossed. Almost 1 TB of files...Yikes!
At one time these were in the store that was selling some of my stuff. The store is no longer in business and that was when I quit selling any of my stuff. There was a link on two of my pages (there may be more) that took someone to the store that no longer exists. So here are the links to downloads (free) from Mediafire. They are big files, so I had to break them down into three files.

This alphabet that a lot of you already have coordinates with the Metal Papers rusty paper.
Below is the link to the post.